Sherimiya from
Happy Little Bento gave me this awesome award, thank you so much Sherimiya!!! It's taken me a while to have some free time to come up with seven things about myself...I hope that you didn't give up on me :) Sherimiya makes wonderful and inspiring bentos, it makes me so happy that she always comments on my posts and likes my bentos enough to give me this award.
The requirements of the award are to list seven facts about myself and then choose seven other bloggers to recieve the award. So here goes!
7 things about myself:
1- I love spicy food. Really spicy food. The hotter the better! In fact, most American foods are way too bland for me and I end up adding spice to everything: pizza, fries, burgers, potato chips, mac ‘n’ cheese, tomato soup…
2- I love to play the harp.
3- Just like Lia Chen of Bentolicious, I’m horribly scared of cockroaches. There is absolutely no reason for it, but I am!
4- I have always wanted tattoos but am unable to get them because of my blood clotting disorder. It is a huge frustration! I particularly covet the traditional tattoos of the Rabari tribes in Gujarat.
5- My biggest fear: claustrophobia. It seems to be getting worse as I grow older.
6- As a child I was raised as a meat eater. I became a vegetarian when I was 21. But the traditional way of eating that I was brought up on is still very much a part of my cooking methods. So every meal has to include a ‘meat’ as a main dish, or these days a substitute soy product. This annoys me a great deal and I wish that I could change it.
7- I don’t like sugar. Sweet things in moderation are good. But ultimately we only eat something with sugar in it about once every two weeks. Of course we indulge heavily in sugary items when we attend conventions. Cons are not for healthy eating, you know! :)
7 Great Bloggers:
1-Teapriestess at - Bento Mania
2-French Bento
3-Gnoe at Graasland
4-Tanabata who does the Hello Japan! challenge - In Spring it is the Dawn
5-Lunch Bucket Bento
6-Bento Corner - Who gave me tons of inspiration and I wish was still updating!
7- Emilie at - The Conscious Kitchen