Bottom tier: Boca bratwurst circles on bamboo skewers with swiss cheese stars, broccoli, carrots, Morningstar farms broccoli bite, potato and onion pierogies. Spaghetti cups inspired by Biggie, though I didn't freeze them as they were just leftovers from the night before. The next bento has exactly the same stuff in the same tiers...

I was concentrating on this one for some creativity and cuteness. I'm still not quite sure how I feel it came out. In any case, the monkey faces were inspired by Jason and Amanda on flickr.com.

Other stuff: Boca Bratwurst circles on bamboo skewer with swiss cheese stars, strawberries, broccoli, potato and onion pierogie.
Stuff I learned:
I really need to remember not to close up the bentos before everything is cooled off! The crackers all got soggy and the cheese stars melted, lol.
Pierogies make excellent bento food!
I can actually change my husband's mind about food: he has rescinded his 'ew, I hate boca bratwurst' comments in favor of a new view where Boca bratwurst is recommended with swiss cheese.
I adore the monkey faces! Especially the one on the left.
I'm also a huge fan of pirogies in bentos. I generally like mine cooked in the skillet with caramelized onions and some butter, but that does make them harder to pick up and eat without getting too messy. ;)
Thank you! Oh, I bet they would be awesome with caramelized onions. I generally shallow boil mine then fry them in butter just a little.
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