It also is the first Halloween bento of the year. Normally I would wait until our traditional Halloween decorating day (Oct. 1st) before starting to make Halloween bentos. I have this thing about holidays - I don't like decorating or celebrating them too early. So Halloween (normally) doesn't start until Oct. 1st, Christmas and Pancha Ganapati don't start until Dec. 1st, etc. I'm breaking my own rule this year, though and bentoing before the start date! If you've ever seen the Soul Eater manga you'll instantly understand why - it's over the top Halloween style in a book.
For this bento the main thing I had to make was the Shinagami-sama onigiri. I just had to! We had pink rice already made in the fridge so I just warmed up a bit, made the rice ball and wrapped the nori around it. The mask is made from mozzarella cheese. There are two whole spears of baby corn, two soy bologna swirls, a pick with dill pickle stars, a large yummy strawberry, a steamed veggie bao, a small container of vegetarian Hamburger helper cheesy mac, a carrot Soul Eater icon with mozzarella details.
It was not only a blast to make, it was yummy!