Monday, January 1, 2007

Fingerfood bentos

Our original plan for the day had included a shopping excursion before traveling into town to visit friends. I cleverly made us some Bentos to eat after shopping and before arrival at our friend's house. Unfortunately, as is so often the case with us, we left so late that we didn't get a chance to shop and ended up eating our bentos in the car as we drove. A-chan was still sick and not in an eating mood so her food went untouched which was probably a good thing since it wasn't very car friendly. My husband and I were able to eat our food easily and it really made my day!

We had grilled veg bologna & cheese sandwiches with spicy mustard, broccoli bites with mayo dip, cucumber slices and cherry tomatoes with mayo dip, four cheese bow tie pasta & apple pulao. A-chan had Yo-baby yogurt, a sandwich in the shape of a train, cucumber and lemon slices, broccoli bites and cherry tomatoes with a heartshaped konnyaku jelly for dessert and tomato soup on the side.

I've seen on a lot of other bentos where they include a little container with mayo dip or mayo dressing and I don't know what kind of dressing they mean, but it sounded so good I decided to try something on my own. It was just Miracle Whip with garlic powder and Mrs. Dash. I was very happy with it and even my husband ate it with pleasure. For someone who hasn't eaten fish or fish-related foods in about 15 years, it tasted remarkably like tartar sauce. I'm sure that someone who's recently eaten tartar sauce would not agree in the slightest, but that's okay :)

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