Friday, June 1, 2007

Super H Mart Loot, Part 2

We had an excuse to go back to Super H Mart on our next trip into Atlanta and here are pictures of what we bought. This shopping experience with them was much better than our last one. Perhaps our mood was improved by not being so tired, not having been rained on, etc.

Since we are vegetarians our shopping reflects only a small percentage of the wonderful array available. Most of the things in the store have some sort of english labeling, including an ingredients list which is soooo helpful! I've never spent much time in grocery stores like this one, full of exotic things that I have no idea what to do with. But it's been great fun just browsing the aisles and picking up a few things to experiment with. And I can't resist the sweets! Don't be intimidated, have an adventure, it's worth it. :)

Sweet stuff:

Cookies for my toddler.

Pocky, wonderful Pocky!

3 kinds of Mochi: japanese rice cakes with sweet red bean filling.

Top Left: Sesame seed covered, Top right: Mochi without sesame seeds

Top: Japanese wheat cookies

Bottom: Korean cookies

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