Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Masked Onigiri

Let's see...this bento was from last week? Or maybe the week before that. I can't remember now. It's never too late for Halloween bento posts, right? I need a button that pauses time for a while so that I can catch up with everything that I need to do! Anyway, a little bit late - two candy corn onigiri dressed up for Trick or Treating. There are also some carrot squiggles, cherry tomato quarters, a festive piece of pear and fried tofu bites.

The cute little pumpkin is made from wool. My husband needle felted a trio of them as Halloween decorations. They are so sweet!

This was also the morning of the Parent's Breakfast at a-chan's school. For our contribution to the pot luck breakfast we brought grapes and a ton of apple bunnies. It took about 30 minutes to cut all the bunnies. A-chan put them in their "bath" of lemon juice and water. We used 10 apples, I think. I lost count about 3/4 of the way through :D

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