Saturday, February 17, 2007

Springtime lunch (LCE # 24 )

A lunch inspired by the daffodils that my husband brought in from the yard and are sitting cheerily on my kitchen windowsill. Mashed potato clouds, cucumber butterfly, cheese and fruit by the foot tulips with cucumber stems. Morningstar farms chik nugget kitties with cheese details, apple flower with cucumber stem. Apple cutout on the side, on the other side are 4 pickles and 3 ketchup hearts.
One of the things that I just love is my ketchup squeeze bottle. It's one of those like you find in certain restaurants that makes designs really easily. I never knew how much I needed one until I got it on a whim. Now I couldn't do without it!
An interesting thing that I learned after making this lunch: fruit by the foot melts into cheese. Ick!

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