Monday, February 28, 2011

Cute Little Chick

We just got back from a fantastic weekend of awesome dancing, music and friends. I am completely exhausted and sore, desperate for more sleep but extremely happy. The thing that really made my morning was A-chan recognizing the chick in her bento! The last time I'd tried to make little chick onigiris, she didn't recognize them at all and refused to believe me when I told her what they were, lol. Ah, the lovely progression of artistry through tons of practice - whether with dance, music or bentos, practice makes us better at anything! A-chan did not want to go to school this morning so I'm hoping that the happy bright-eyed chick will help her be happy.

In the bento: Morningstar Farms chik nuggets, carrot butterfly, chick onigiri, steamed broccoli, black olives and strawberries.

The chick onirigi has nori feet and eyes, a carrot beak and provolone wings. In the background is a container of ketchup for the chik nuggets.


Happy Little Bento said...

Aw! The cutest chick ever!

Lia Chen said...

Aww ... too cute! Glad to hear that you have a good weekend :)

Natakiya said...

Hehe, I think so too, Sheri! Thanks :D

Natakiya said...

Thank you, Lia!! It was a fantastic weekend and I'm glad to have had enough energy to make a cute bento :D